Delivering dedicated services that support Humanitarians to achieve healthy, successful and fulfilling lives.
Humanitarian contexts are among the most demanding and complex in the world. Living and working in ever-changing and often-hazardous environments has unique challenges, and require unique strategies. The challenges that aid workers face are many, and are complicated at best; both on the frontlines and the home-front. Challenging environments. Complex systems. Constantly evolving needs, priorities and trends. Changing political climates. Frequent travel. Health and security risks. Relationships.
This may still be one of the most fulfilling life choices you’ve ever made and you are more convinced than ever that you’re in this for the long-haul and are seeking to make a deeper investment in your life and career choices. For others, perhaps feelings of exhaustion, overwhelm and disillusionment are causing you to question your purpose and impact, or feel like your personal values and goals have been compromised. And for some, they aren’t quite sure where they are, what they want or how they feel and are looking for clarity, direction and a way forward. Wherever you are in your process, you are not alone.
When we work together you will find that many obstacles you face are actually more in your control than you might realize. With awareness and support, you can make small shifts to build the momentum, strategy and confidence you need to successfully overcome those obstacles with greater ease and efficiency. The positive changes that you make now will be valuable building blocks for the dreams and ambitions you have for the future. Live your life by design, not by default!
Ready to co-create a plan to get you the life you’ve always wanted?
Our primary focus areas for Humanitarian Coaching are:
Design your ideal life. Strengthen your relationships, build your confidence, live your values and create your positive presence.
Achieve your dreams!
Nurture your whole self. Find your balance, develop your resilience, stimulate your motivation and reconnect with your purpose.
Feel your best!